Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Muzaffarabad, Kashmir Photos - Before the Earthquake

Several members of our group having lunch at a farmhouse just outside Muzzafarabad, Kashmir on 24 September. This house perished as a result of the 8 October earthquake, along with its residents, some of whom can be seen in the background. Those in the foreground, residents of Islamabad, survived.

This photo taken 24 September on a mountain top overlooking Muzzafarabad, shows common construction techniques in some of the poorer regions of Kashmir. It is easy to see how these buildings failed during an earthquake. The roof structure is made of wood, coverd by earth, approximately 1 to 2 feet deep.

Photo taken 24 September of the "rest house" where we stayed in the Muzzafarabad area. It is doubtful the structure survived the 8 October quake. The young man in the background was our "host," seeing to it our creature comforts were attended to; he also served our meals. He is now missing.

Before the earthquake - Muzzafarabad, Kashmir looking across the Nehlum River taken 24 September. The natural beauty of this place is staggering. The structures in the background have largely been reduced to rubble by the earthquake -- trapping and killing their occupants.

Street scene from Muzzafarabad, Kashmir taken 24 September. These structures are gone now.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Tirich Mir at 25,279 feet is the highest mountain in the Hindu Kush Range. Seen here from the city of Chittral, Northwest Frontier Province, Pakistan

Traditional folks dancing performed by a troupe in Chittral, Northwest Frontier Province, Pakistan

Chittral Rangers serve as local constabulary and frontier guards in Chittral, Northwest Frontier Province, Pakistan

Note the lack of tree cover on the mountains with yours truly in the foreground on the tarmac at Skardu Airfield (7,500 feet), Northern Areas, Pakistan

Exhibition polo match with local teams Skardu, Northern Areas, Pakistan

Indus River basin tributary taken from MI-17 helicopter, Skardu District, Northern Areas, Pakistan

Shangrilla Hotel Pavillion reflected on lake with Karakoram mountains in the background - taken just after sunset, Kachura, Northern Areas, Pakistan

One of my classmates captured as MI-17 (Russian made) helicopter rotor downwash is about to engulf him.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Young boy poses - Arabic in background identifies the establishment as the "Hong Kong Cafe." Taken at Kachura Lake, Skardu District, Northern Areas, Pakistan

Young children pose for a snap in Kachura, Skardu District, Northern Areas, Pakistan

Old men stop to pose in storefront, Kachura, Skardu District, Northern Areas, Pakistan

Young Girl in Kachura, Skardu District, Northern Areas, Pakistan

Mountain peak in Karakoram Mountains, Skardu District, Northern Areas, Pakistan

Man in Baltistan Traditional Hat - Skardu, Pakistan